Monday, 27 September 2010

Music Magazine: analysis

My music magazine, Undertone was aimed at both boys and girls within the age group of 17-25. The main music genre included in this magazine was indie/rock and was produced to sell to the fans of this style.
Firstly, the front cover of Undertone is most likely to appeal to the ideal music audience because of the overall style of the magazine. The images, language and artists mentioned will determine whether the audience and the buyers feel it matched their needs. The image on the front page, although it is a female featured, I think it tells the audience that it'll be suitable for both genders along with the colour choices and the features. The left third would immediatley appeal to the particular audience by the skylines and coverlines featuring the bands that are top of this genre. The price is also suitable in comparison to other muic magazines on the market and will determine the type of audience who purchase it, as working young adult who are wholly interested in their music type.
Secondly, the contents page is simple and bold which will appeal to music fans from both genders and these ages, they're more likely to just want to find and get to the articles than spend their time looking over the contents page in search for artistic detail, however a couple of photos are used to create flow and plain black, white and grey colours to represent all genders.
Thirdly, my double page spread represents my target audeince because of the terminology and topics dpoken about in the text, the images shown (the artist is of simular age to the audience and the fashion/clothes she's wearing is simular to the style the consumers would wear or could relate to) and lastly, I made the whole two pages black and white to make them stand out when flicking through a magazine full of colours, and I think this is ideal for the age group who may be in a rush and just want to find the cover artist.
In conclusion, there are many ways in which this magazine could appeal to it's target audience especially via the images, colours and text.

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